My Home Decor Collections

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Looking for some Home Decor Collection ideas? In this exciting conclusion to my mini Home Decor Collection series here on Inspired by Charm, I’m going to walk you through all of my Home Decor Collections hoping that it provides a little inspiration for you to start your own.

My Home Decor Collections

If this is the first post you are finding in this collection, let me get you up-to-date. I began this series by talking about how to Start a Home Decor Collection, then I shared ideas for Displaying A Home Decor Collection, and now I’m wrapping things up by sharing some of My Home Decor Collections.

(I know … how many times can I say “Home Decor Collection”?)

I don’t know about you, but I’m a visual learner. In order for me to grasp the fullness of a concept/idea, it is helpful for me to be able to see it firsthand. While I’ve shared a few of my collections throughout this series, I wanted to gather them all in one place to make it easy for you when you’re hunting down inspiration.

Ideas for Beautiful Home Decor Collections #home #decor #homedecor #collections #collecting #vintage #vintagefinds #antiques

Sources and Where To Buy

I also added a line to each post to help guide you on where to find some of the items. While a lot of the sources are similar, under each collection I did link to the specific search terms that I used when searching for these items to make it really easy for you. As I was gathering all of these links it was REALLY HARD not to shop because I found plenty of things I wanted to add to my cart. My love of collections is real.

If you are in the Pittsburgh area and want to check out some of my favorite antique stores, I’ve shared a list of the best HERE.

I hope that seeing some of my collections gives you the inspiration and encouragement to start your own home decor collection.

Let’s get into it!


Let’s start by talking about some of my collections that are mostly just for decorative purposes. (Though, some of them double as functional items too.) These collections are throughout my home and they bring me joy when I see them.

Paint By Numbers
I don’t know what it is about vintage Paint By Numbers (PBN) artwork, but I just LOVE it. This collection started with one piece that I purchased while on a trip to Round Top, Texas. Long-time IBC followers might remember that this piece originally hung above the kitchen sink in my Pittsburgh apartment.

Tips and Ideas for styling and stocking an apartment kitchen. | Inspired by Charm

From there, the collection grew to become a gallery wall in my family room. I now have enough PBN items that I can even swap out the artwork on this gallery wall so the paintings suit the season.

How to Add Quirky Decor to Your Home #homedecor #quirky #unique #collecting #vintagefinds #decorating

Family Room Christmas Decoration Ideas for unique and festive holiday decor #christmas #decorating #familyroom #livingroom #mantel #fireplace #decor #holiday #christmastree

Where to find: eBay, Etsy, vintage/antique/thrift stores

If Paint By Numbers isn’t your jam, a collection of any style of artwork you love could be a great option. I collect two different styles of art in addition to the PBN.

First, I love vintage art. This can be found anywhere you find vintage goods: antique stores, thrift shops, eBay, etc.

How to Incorporate Antiques Into Your Home Decor #antique #shelf #walldecor #decor #vintageart #homedecor #styling

Master Bedroom Makeover Reveal #masculine #modern #country #bedroom #design #oneroomchallenge

Second, as my interest grows in my own art journey, I have been collecting art from some of my favorite current artists. It’s honestly such a joy to have pieces from artists I know, love, and admire.

Where to find: eBay, Etsy, vintage/antique/thrift stores, directly from the artist

Salt & Pepper Shakers
This was another accidental collection. When I finished my kitchen renovation, I was looking for some quirky items to add to the shelves in my pantry. I happened upon a set of football player shakers and since the fall season was just around the corner, I knew they would be the perfect fit.

Simple Fall Decorating Ideas for the Kitchen #fall #decor #decorating #kitchen #ideas #autumn

Once the fall season passed, I wanted something different for the winter, spring, and summer. Now I have a set for every season … and then some.

My Ultimate List of Kitchen Essentials #kitchen #essentials #kitchentools #appliances #dinnerware #serveware #baking #bakeware #glassware #pans

Christmas In my Bulters Pantry #kitchen #christmas #decor #holiday #pantry #decorating #santamugs

Where to find: eBay, Etsy, vintage/antique/thrift stores

Later in this post, I will talk about my Christmas ribbon collection. This wall cabinet was in my family room and I wanted to fill it with something for the holidays; inspiration struck and I filled it with my collection of ribbons. Once the holiday season had passed, I was left with an empty cabinet, so I needed to fill it with something. My solution was vintage tins.

Starting A Home Decor Collection #homedecor #collection #collecting #vintagecollection #vintage finds #decorating

While most of these are merely decorative, I have used some of them for storage. In fact, all of my out-of-season salt and pepper shakers are stored within them. I’ve also used some of these tins for storing my art supplies and have even made some into little artist palettes.

How to Decorate with Antique / Vintage Finds #antique #vintage #vintagefinds #homedecor #decorating

Where to find: eBay, Etsy, vintage/antique/thrift stores

Picnic Baskets
I’m not sure what it is about a picnic basket, but I feel the need to have them all. Maybe it’s because they stir up memories of simpler times. (It also helps that they carry delicious foods.) In fact, just this past weekend I was attending a local vintage market and finally found a pie carrier picnic basket. It even included the little tray so you can carry two pies. I have been looking for one like this!

Blue, Green, and White Living Room Christmas Tree #christmastree #christmas #holiday #tree #decor #decorating #livingroom #christmasdecor

I use these baskets sporadically throughout my home as decor. I have them stacked on a cabinet and even use them under my Christmas trees. As an added bonus, you can even use the baskets for storage. Love that!

Ideas for Cozy Lodge Christmas Tree Decorations #christmastree #decor #holiday #decorations #christmas #tree #ideas

Where to find: eBay, Etsy, vintage/antique/thrift stores

Brass Animals
I think that vintage brass in general could be a collection of mine, however the most vintage brass items that I have are animals. This collection started during the holiday season with a pair of brass deer.

Christmas Shelfie | Inspired by Charm

Since then I’ve added bunnies, pigs, snails, whales, and many more. There are one of my favorite things to pick up on my antiquing adventures. They tend to be relatively inexpensive and I’m kind of picky about why style of animal I like so it’s always such a joy to find a winner!

Vintage Home Decor Ideas - Decorating your home with antique finds. #vintage #home #decor #decorating #antique #styling

How to Incorporate Antique Into Your Home Decor #antiques #vintagefinds #homedecor #styling #vintage #brass #decorating

Living Room Fireplace and Bookcase Styling #fireplace #mantel #livingroom #decor #decorating #bookcase #bookshelf #styling

I love displaying these together, but they always have a unique punch on their own.

Where to find: eBay, Etsy, vintage/antique/thrift stores


My Christmas collections are some of my favorites. Not only do most of them hold special memories, but I also love the ritual of putting the collections out every November and packing them away every January. I think they feel extra special because I only get to enjoy them for a limited time each year.

Christmas Deer
This special collection started with a trio of these plastic deer that I got from my grandparents.

Apartment Living Room Christmas Decor Ideas

Since then it seems that I add a few new ones to the group each year. I love how this collection has continued to grow. (And don’t worry, I marked the ones from my grandparents on the bottom so I’ll never forget which ones were theirs.)

Starting A Home Decor Collection #homedecor #collection #collecting #vintagecollection #vintage finds #decorating

The collection has expanded and now includes some mini ceramic and porcelain deer. I keep telling myself that this collection is complete, but then I find more deer that I just “NEED to have” and the collection continues to grow. This is the danger of a good collection.

Where to find: eBay, Etsy, vintage/antique/thrift stores

Santa Mugs
Oftentimes, collections happen unintentionally. This is one of those collections. I found a couple of these mugs at a local antique store and the obsession started. Not all of these mugs are vintage. Pottery Barn sells a set of Santa mugs and shot glasses. I love them as much as the vintage ones.

Christmas In my Bulters Pantry #kitchen #christmas #decor #holiday #pantry #decorating #santamugs

In recent years, this has become quite a popular collection to have. Know that this affects availability and pricing. This is just something you may want to keep in mind if this is a collection you’re looking to start.

Christmas In my Bulters Pantry #kitchen #christmas #decor #holiday #pantry #decorating #santamugs

Where to find: Pottery Barn, eBay, Etsy, vintage/antique/thrift stores

Vintage Glass Christmas Ornaments
This collection started with my rainbow gradient Christmas tree which I decorated several years ago. I gathered over 500 ornaments to do this tree. All of the ornaments were glass and most of them were vintage. I found them everywhere from my local thrift store to eBay.

Gradient Rainbow Christmas Tree Decorations #christmas #tree #decorations #rainbow

The collection continues to grow each year as I need more of a particular color ornament to fill a newly designed Christmas tree.

How to Decorate a Woodland Glam Christmas Tree #woodland #glam #christmas #tree #decor #holiday #decorating #christmastree

Where to find: eBay, Etsy, vintage/antique/thrift stores

(Christmas) Ribbon
Does anyone else love ribbon and gift wrapping supplies? I’m a fan of ribbon so after years and years of buying it, I had a tote full. A couple of years ago, I was looking to decorate a wall cabinet for Christmas and my collection of ribbons came in handy. It beautifully filled this little cabinet and made a lovely display.

My Christmas Ribbon Cabinet #christmas #ribbon #wrapping #decor #decorations #holiday #christmasribbon

This collection doesn’t have to be seasonal. You can apply the same idea to everyday ribbons in a craft room or office space.

My Christmas Ribbon Cabinet #christmas #ribbon #wrapping #decor #decorations #holiday #christmasribbon

Where to find: Amazon, craft stores, HomeGoods


I love when decor has a functional purpose, which is why several of my collections are functional too! Let’s take a look at these and see how they function.

I think I’ve mentioned on this blog before that I’m cursed with the love of books even though I am not blessed with the love of reading. At this point in my life, I’ve sort of embraced this fact and continue to buy books knowing I may never read them. I guess this might seem peculiar to some, but having the book collections in my home brings me joy and that’s what matters. With that being said, I do reference a lot of my cookbooks, art books, and design books.

Living Room Fireplace and Bookcase Styling #fireplace #mantel #livingroom #decor #decorating #bookcase #bookshelf #styling

Generally speaking, I like to display/have my books in the room that matches their intended purpose (i.e. cookbooks in the kitchen, art books in my studio, creative books in my office, etc.), but that doesn’t always happen. Sometimes color wins out and I choose books to fill a space based on the color of a book’s spine.

No-Fail Tips for Styling a Bookcase

Where to find: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Half Price Books

Pottery, Molly Jenkins Pottery
In recent years I’ve developed a love for handmade pottery. It has become one of the things I look for when I’m traveling or visiting local artist markets. While I will buy any pottery that I love, I have become a collector of Molly Jenkins Pottery. I have several of her pieces and I even inspired a collection of mixing bowls that she added to her permanent collection. (You can find those HERE.)

Living Room Fireplace and Bookcase Styling #fireplace #mantel #livingroom #decor #decorating #bookcase #bookshelf #styling

These beautiful crown vessels are from JL Pottery Studio which is another favorite of mine. Her work is so unique and beautiful!

My goal is to one day get a set of handmade dinnerware.

Really Good Seasoned Pretzels Recipe #seasoned #pretzels #spicy #ranch #seasonedpretzels #recipe #snack

Living Room Christmas Mantel Decor #livingroom #mantel #christmas #fireplace #holiday #decor #bookshelf #bookcase #garland

Where to find: JL Pottery StudioMolly Jenkins Pottery, Art Markets, Art Festivals, Local Stores

Rolling Pins
This is one of my favorite collections. It all started with a glass rolling pin that my grandma owned. While that particular rolling pin is at my mom’s house, she was able to find me a similar one on eBay.

New Vintage Finds from my Antiquing Adventures #vintagefind #antiques #decorating #decor #antiquedecor #vintage #antiquing

Since then, I have added two more vintage glass rolling pins to my collection. This particular style of rolling pin is hard to find. I also picked up a few more traditional rolling pins on my antiquing adventures and have styled them in an extra-large crock in my kitchen. I love the look and they are functional too.

How to Add Quirky Decor to Your Home #homedecor #quirky #unique #collecting #vintagefinds #decorating

Where to find: eBay, Etsy, vintage/antique/thrift stores

If this post was helpful, you may also like these posts too:

And the list goes on…

Goodness knows that I’m missing a collection or two. If I think of more or start a new collection, I’ll be sure to update this post.

As I mentioned above, I hope that this post (and all the posts in my Home Decor Collection series) serves as inspiration if you’re looking to start your own home decor collection or are just looking for unique ways to decorate and style your home.

Starting A Home Decor Collection #homedecor #collection #collecting #vintagecollection #vintage finds #decorating

Inspired by Charm’s Home Decor Collection Mini Series:

Thank you for joining me! Happy Collecting!

Test: mustard /

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  1. I truly love all of your collections. Not too much, not too little. They are all so fascinating and interesting ~ they are the perfect touch to your cozy and beautiful home. Also, you are an incredible photographer!

  2. Dear Michael, I always love love love reading your blogs and utilizing your suggestions! You are truly talented and inspiring! We have several of the same collections, picnic baskets (mostly metal ones), salt and peppers and Christmas deer! I’ve learned a lot from these posts and can’t wait for more. xoxoxoxo

  3. I have my rolling pin collection in a large crock too! I’ve added a little metal sign that reads “Just roll with it” with a little rolling pin image, love it!

  4. Like the other commenters, I am impressed with not only your charming collections, but with your skill in displaying them. Usually collections look like too much clutter to me, but not YOURS. You are so skilled with decor! I’m wondering if there is a way you could explain and demonstrate the process you go through as you decorate with your treasures—I don’t know how, but it would be a hit!

  5. Loved seeing all of your unique collections and how you style and display them in your home! I have several collections – Santa’s, Currier & Ives dishes, Polish pottery, rolling pins, milk glass….to name a few! And you have given me great ideas and inspiration for displaying them!! Thank you for a great and informative post…..

  6. Don’t think I can add much more, I so agree with ALL the comments! Love how your collections are so beautifully displayed. I saw an idea, somewhere, about using damaged PBNs as ornaments, simply cutting out shapes, and creating ornaments from the usable sections. You just reminded me of this project…. Thanks for all of your inspiration!

  7. Wonderful post. The way you arrange objects on your shelves and counters and in your cabinets is so very nice. Everything is artfully arranged. You certainly have a gift for seeing things and arranging them to their best advantage. Love it all. That glass ornament Christmas tree is so incredible!

  8. I loved this post! I don’t know which is my favorite – all of your collections or you outstanding ability of displaying your collections. I keep telling myself no more Christmas decorations but I think those kissing salt and pepper shakers are on my list!

  9. I just found you and what a treat. I have so many small collections and you have given me so many ideas. I’m here, mumbling to myself and chuckling at your photos and ideas. Wow! I’ll be checking out all your posts. Thanks so much.

  10. Oh Michael as always your design esthetic is spot on. I’m a designer in Omaha and also passionate about my collections. They bring me such satisfaction and happiness when I remember all the different places I have been to amass such interesting items. I have enjoyed your blog since finding you several months ago and I am absolutely in love with your pantry. Great job and keep going. Thanks for sharing as you do.

  11. How splendid! Loved getting a peek at your collections and learning how you approach decorating with intention and structure! Such beautiful spaces and vignettes you create… love it!

  12. Loved reading this and I hare similar interests! When my son was in first grade, the teacher asked if any parents would share their collections as a presentation to the class. At the time my kitchen had lots of gingerbread decor (the height of country decorating 90’s). So I presented mine… my adorable cookie jar, lamp with paper lampshade with gingerbread men, a wreath etc. after I finished I gave each child a Little Debbie Gingerbread man… my son had slowly been slumping down in his desk. Feeling so proud of myself … I asked my son “well? How did I do ?” He then replied…. “NEVER! do THAT again!” 😂😂😂😂. Thank YOU for sharing your collection!

  13. Your blog posts are like online masterclasses in fine food and elegant decorating. The details you provide are exceptional, and the photography is the most impressive I’ve ever seen. I will most definitely be buying multiple copies of your book when it comes out! Thank you for sharing all these wonderful ideas!

  14. Thank you! What a fun post! PS: Please do a book tour next; I had lots of fun trying to see all the books on your shelves to figure out what they are!