May Favorites

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I thought it would be fun to try something a bit different today. Well, I shouldn’t say “different,” just something I haven’t done in a while. Some of my favorite posts to read from other bloggers are when they tell about their “favorite things” from the past week or month. So, I thought I would do something like that here for the month of May. Depending on whether you like this idea or not, I may do one every month. Let me know in the comments below if this is something you’d like to see more regularly. Let’s get into it! 

gouache palette with paint and a toned paper sketchbook.

Growing In The Garden

In general, May is always a busy month for me. With a large yard and big gardens, I spend a significant amount of time outdoors getting things ready for another growing season. This year I planted about four to five dozen new perennials and shrubs. Some are doing great, while others have been completely eaten by bugs or the groundhog that has decided to move into my backyard. It can be a struggle. Gardening at this house has been a bittersweet adventure but I keep at it. 

coral charm peonies growing the garden.
grouping of three yellow peonies

I also planted a couple of rows of zinnias from seed right into the ground. In one of the sections I have lots of little sprouts coming up, but I think bugs (or that darn groundhog) got the other section. In both places, when I used this zinnia mix, the plants sprouted in just a couple of days. I highly recommend this. 

In addition, I got all my hanging baskets and annual flowers planted. I REALLY cut back this year and it feels so freeing. As much as I love all the beautiful flower-filled pots, I wanted to see what less feels like. So far it’s been great. 

And I assume you already saw/know this, but I got a shed installed! It still needs to be painted, so I’m hoping to work on that in the evenings over the course of the next week or so. 

wood shed in a backyard surrounded by trees.
purple iris growing the garden.

What I Watched

The Little Mermaid – This past weekend I went to see the new The Little Mermaid movie and absolutely loved it. In fact, I want to go see it again. It was such a beautiful movie and so well done. Visually stunning! Halle was an amazing Ariel and her voice is incredible. And don’t get me started on Melissa McCarthy as Ursula. Brilliant! 

Great British Bake Off Juniors – I think I mentioned this in another post, but a new season of GBBO Juniors came out on Netflix. I love the entire GBBO series. In this new season of Juniors, Lola stole my heart. It’s such a happy, zero-drama, light-hearted show. 

gouache painting of a teapot, teacup, and lemons.

How I Painted

I’m heading to France later this month for an art retreat so I’m trying to get as many brush miles in as I can. My goal has been to paint every day. (You can follow along at @michaelwurmjr on Instagram if you’d like to see my progress and (almost) daily paintings.) While my focus has been oil painting, I wanted something that was a bit easier to travel with and that had easy clean-up. 

oil painting of boats.
gouache painters palette with paint and a toned paper sketchbook.

I decided to bust out this palette that I bought a while back and use a limited color selection of my gouache paints. It has been AMAZING. Normally I travel with way too many supplies and mediums and I get a bit overwhelmed. Narrowing it down to just one medium, one sketchbook, a palette, a couple brushes, and a few paints has been a game changer. In fact, I may write a post about this. (Would you be interested?

In the meantime, here are links to my supplies:

I also picked up this Plein Air Techniques for Artists book, by Aimee Erickson. It’s an amazing book filled with artists I love. Highly recommend it! 

Plein Air Techniques for Artists Book.
gouache palette with paint and a toned paper sketchbook.

What I’m Eating

I’ve been on a bit of a health journey for the past month and a half. I’m not doing anything special, just being a bit more intentional about what I eat. I’ve also been walking/jogging several days a week. Fewer calories in and more calories burned. “Easy” stuff.

I also try to choose mostly nutritionally dense foods (though I still enjoy ice cream and a beer from time to time) and only eat when I’m actually hungry. As of this morning, I’m down 17 pounds. The journey continues and I’m hoping to lose about 20 more which should put me at a place where I feel a lot more comfortable in my own skin. 

pouring dressing onto Chicken Apple Pecan Salad on a large platter.

Two of my go-to meals have been…

Favorite Posts of the Month

It’s also been a busy month here on the blog with lots of new posts and updates to older content. Here are some of my favorites from the month: 

It’s also worth mentioning here that if you’re not on the Inspired by Charm Mailing List, I highly recommend you join. (Sign-up HERE.) I’ll keep you updated with any and all new posts here on the blog so you don’t miss a thing. 

oil painting of a white peony.

In addition to all of that… 

  • I went camping for a few nights with a friend.
  • I visited Cedar Point for a day with my family. We walked 11.25 miles and rode 28 rollercoasters. It was a record day. 

And while I’m certain there are things I’m forgetting, I think that’s all I have for you today. 

gouache painting of two tents.

Looking Ahead

As with most months in the summer, June is going to be another busy one. As I mentioned above. I’m headed to France this month for an art retreat. I couldn’t be more excited. 

I’m going to be using all my time before the trip to double up on work so that I can still share new posts here on the blog while being almost work free during my travels. I’ve also turned up the dial on my art practice so I have lots of brush miles. I want to be tuned up and ready to go. 

Beyond that…

What’s on your June agenda? What are some of your favorites from the month of May? Let me know in the comments below. 

oil painting of a meadow.

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  1. Michael, those flowers are gorgeous and I may even try out the zinnia mix- I need some easy flowers in my yard (if the voles will leave them alone!). Your paintings are wonderful – I do hope you will offer some for sale at some point.
    I always enjoy a Favorites post, so feel free to continue! 🙂

  2. I LOVE this post! Please keep doing these, it is so great to see what you have been up to and this is a great way to do it! You are one talented man!!!

  3. You are so very talented Michael…love for you to share more about your painting, you inspire me to want to pick up a brush or pencil again…just takes commitment…Please do more creative drink shots…my friends love when I start an evening with them..have a blast in France, show us what you did…will be looking forward to your adventure…vicariously…safe travels..Sandi

  4. Love to hear what you are up to Michael and obviously love the art supply recos. I just purchased a travel palette but this one looks great too. Already smashed that cart button. Ha!

  5. Love reading your favorites. My flower gardening journey has been frustrating too, but I keep plugging along. I think it’s worth it. 😉 Have a great trip!

  6. I love seeing your paintings…you’re quite talented!! I enjoy seeing and hearing about your yard and I’m looking forward to hearing about your trip to France 🇫🇷. Safe travels and have fun 😊

  7. I am very interested in your limited art supplies and, really, anything that concerns painting. You have been blessed with a true gift of painting. Thank you for sharing!

  8. Just recently signed on. Love your art style and would like to see details of your art trip abroad. Will also try your food ideas. Paul

  9. Michael, I absolutely adore your paintings! The color! The light! The composition! Beautiful! Congratulations on your achievement of eating better and getting more movement! I love your recipes and will try out the salad for sure. Also, the white cheddar popcorn sound intriguing. I will check that our for sure. Hope your trip to France is fantastic!

  10. LOVE this blog post! And, yes, interested in your limited materials for travel art.
    Also love the inspiration from what you’ve been eating. That salad looks amazing!

  11. All very interesting Michael, I love this kind of Post. Congrats on the weight loss that’s amazing I’m so proud of you. And that Art work is stunning

  12. I would love to read a post about your limited travel paint set-up! Which colors did you choose to take along? Loving your style on so many things/areas:-)
    signed- a long-ago transferred Burgher

      1. Oh that would be great! I’m so curious which colors you in particular would choose to take because I love your esthetic and treatment of light in your outdoor paintings. It would be so instructive for me as a novice. I do agree though that often “too many options” stifle me. Sometimes limiting my resources takes the pressure off and lets me experiment with the challenge of it all. I never thought this would be the case- it seems counter-intuitive! Thank you for your help and inspiration!

  13. You’ve had a busy month. Love all your gardening pics! Great job on the weight loss. That chicken salad sounds great. I can’t wait to try it. Have the best time on your France trip.