Life Update: Rest and Reset

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Happy 2024! I hope your new year is off to a fantastic start.

I must admit, I’ve rewritten this post about half a dozen times. I was undecided about what to express and share, but I think I’ve finally landed on something.

My year began wonderfully slow pace. Apart from some painting, taking down and reorganizing Christmas decor, and battling a bad cold, I haven’t done much. Some might call it laziness or procrastination, but I see it as a much-needed rest. Usually, guilt creeps in whenever I’m idle, but this year, I’ve managed to keep that feeling at bay… kinda. Lol.

Yesterday, as I stowed away the last of my Christmas decorations, I felt ready to gradually return to life and work. Well, I think I am, ha!

I’m not big on resolutions, but I do view the new year as a fresh start and a time for reflection. Last year was packed with great moments: turning 40, spending nine days in France with my mom at an art retreat, seeing Adele in Vegas, attending another art workshop in Nashville with one of my favorite artists, and more.

In 2023, I revamped my website and dedicated a substantial amount of time to backend clean-up. I published 340 blog posts – half were new content, and the rest were thoroughly revised and optimized old posts. There was a lot of tedious, behind-the-scenes work involved. It’s fair to say it was my busiest and most productive year in 15 years of blogging.

While I’m proud of my accomplishments, at times I felt overwhelmed and worried which sometimes left me feeling pretty miserable.

Work has been a top priority for many years, but last year it seemed to take over. I was obsessively checking metrics to see if my efforts were paying off. Every morning before anything else (other than my cup of coffee), I’d start by creating Pinterest graphics, planning blog edits, or checking if previous work had made a difference. Despite using tools to track progress, fluctuations in numbers (often beyond my control) would deeply affect my mood and spirit.

But there’s more to the story than just work.

late summer flowers in a  vase

I realized this past year that I’ve somewhat lost touch with who I am, or perhaps I’ve changed and haven’t yet rediscovered myself. It’s likely a mix of both.

While the internet and social media’s abundance of information is incredible, I find myself getting lost in it. The allure of so many shiny, beautiful things online made me feel pressured to conform, assuming that others’ paths to success and happiness would work for me too.

Intermittently throughout the year, I paused to ponder what I genuinely love and what makes me happy, but the answers weren’t clear. Even activities I enjoy, like painting and decorating, were clouded with doubts: “Am I doing this right? Is it good enough? Will someone I admire approve? Is that tool they’re using the key to success?”

Moreover, I’ve noticed an abundance of conflicting advice everywhere: “Be authentic, yet conform to norms. Eat healthily, but also indulge because life is short. Work hard, yet prioritize self-care. Decorate the way you love, but also this trend is dead and you’re a troll person if you do it that way.” 

As I write, it seems obvious now: There are many paths to a happy and fulfilling life, and I’ve been too caught up in finding the “right” ones from other people’s journeys instead of focusing on my journey and what’s best for me. I’ve learned that looking anywhere else other than my head and heart will just continue to add to the confusion and become overwhelming.

So, what does this all mean? Well, this year I’m hitting reset. I’m taking a sabbatical to figure out what I want, independent of external expectations—a year of curiosity.

I’m still trying to figure out what that looks like. In my many revisions of this post, I went back and forth about explaining my plans and thoughts but ultimately decided that it wasn’t necessary. This is because I’m still figuring it out and I want to avoid outside influences.

What I can tell you is that I’m doing what feels good and right for me. I’m going to show up with kindness, but I’m also going to work hard to not be bothered by what others think. Things will be quieter for me both here and on social media (namely Instagram because that’s the only place I am). Honestly, if I could disappear completely online for a year, I would … and maybe I still will. I haven’t figured it all out yet. 

I’m not sure if it’s age or just general personal growth, but my priorities are shifting. I’m caring less about things, less about money, less about what others think, and less about having a magazine-worthy home. Some things just don’t matter to me anymore and I feel this intense need to lean into that. I need to step off of this wheel of other people’s expectations that I’ve been on for years and stop and think about what’s right for me.  

So, this is where I am, and it feels like the right place to be. I don’t have concrete goals, plans, or intentions at this time, but I’m okay with that. They will come in time. I am looking forward to resting, resetting, and realigning. 

And if you’ve read this far, thank you; I am grateful for your understanding. If you’re in a similar place or have had a similar experience, I hope my words and thoughts offer some comfort and/or encouragement. Here’s to a beautiful, new, and joy-filled 2024.

(I also wanted to thank a few of you that reached out in my absence. I went from posting daily to not posting for three weeks. I sent out a newsletter at the end of the year mentioning I would be taking some time off. If you’re not on my mailing list and want to stay updated with things like this, art sales, etc. You can subscribe HERE.)

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  1. AMEN! Blogging, Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, Tik Tok and all the rest are a “fun house mirror” they distort reality and frankly are a bait and switch many times. Behind each perfect square is a person or a family with the same issues and problems the entire world has. We are all human.
    There are many successful bloggers that continue to say they work so hard and do it all alone, then later you find out they have a team of 5-20 people doing all of the work. These very successful people are the ones that say be authentic, and then advise to push, push push products that are against your morals and frankly theirs too but in the name of the almighty dollar are pushing trends, clothing, furniture and products they would never use.

    YOU ARE AMAZING! YOU ALWAYS HAVE BEEN AND STILL ARE. I have been follow you for a LONG time and I can remember your beautiful witch chalk board and wooded christmas stockings on the mantle, you set the trends.
    You have grown and matured and realized that there is more to life than things, good for you. I hope that your sabbatical or break helps you find a little clarity and happiness. I for one will still be here waiting for your return.
    Follow your dreams, and bliss, be happy.
    Best wishes and happy new year.

  2. Good for you, Michael! Whatever you decide to do it would be lovely if you continue painting. You are gifted in so many ways but you are especially gifted in painting. I love the work you are doing now and would love to see you paint for the simple joy and happiness of the process. That means painting without regard to what might sell or what others think but for your satisfaction and enjoyment. That is something I continue to struggle with from time to time. I think a lot of us are looking at our lives and wondering if there isn’t a better way to live. I hope you find what you are looking for.

  3. I enjoy looking at your posts and knowledge of cooking, decorating etc. I believe social media can be a good thing, but also build expectations that make you feel bad. I love Your style and have enjoyed some of your recipes. May 2024 bring you rest and happiness in doing what YOU want and need.
    A follower from Alabama ❤️

  4. “If you want to know where your heart is, look to where your mind goes when it wanders.” – Walt Whitman
    Life would be colourless if we were all the same. We are meant to be different and unique. That is what makes each and every one of us so interesting! Only you can do you.
    I have enjoyed every single recipe, craft, painting, entertaining tip and post from your site and wish you all the best on your journey to self discovery!

  5. Hello and thank you for sharing. I enjoy every one of your posts and feel that you are a cheery and positive vibes spot on the net. Hoping you rediscover what you need to be fulfilled. Also remember that it can help to talk to someone professional as you need guidance. I’m a mom of four and a nurse so I take mental health as seriously as physical well being. Every one should! Reach out for whatever you need and even if you don’t know what exactly that is. Talk/ reach out. It helps. You are definitely not alone Michael. Sending best wishes.

  6. Follow your heart Michael ❤️ i wish you the very best for the new year. We will be here when you are ready. Thank you for always being genuine and always remember you are more than enough. Take care!

  7. Enjoy every minute of all of this…whatever it turns into. Life is way too short not to enjoy YOU!!

    I will still look forward to all that you bring to our lives in 2024 even if it looks looks and feels a bit different.

    Now go create JOY for YOU and not just for us. ❤️

  8. I’ve been in marketing for years and even though I have embraced social media, I don’t feel like I could ever do it fully. I have seen how much it wears on people. And it’s also kind of the same phenomenon of when Netflix puts out a new show and we binge everything in 2 days. We don’t even think about all the tedious work that has gone into it, we just want to consume more and more and demand that from the creator, often without supporting them in the ways we could. I think you’re making the right decision so you can figure out how to transform all of your amazing talents into something that takes some of the stress off. Thank you for everything you have shared with us and we will see you in the future!

    1. Wow! So well said. Yes! There have been things that have taken me months to put together, hours to assemble, hours to edit, and it’s consumed in 60 seconds and people are ready for the next thing. Thanks for the insight!

      xo Michael

  9. I wish you well, at 54 I’m trying to figure things out. My son moved to South Carolina last year and I want to go and be near him. I’ve felt like should I, who wants to hire a 54 old woman. I’ve shed so many tears looked for God to guide me give me some sort indication what I should be doing. So much to think about and always wondering am I worthy of having a good life. I do wish well, your account is one of my favorites.

    1. Victoria – do it! If you can afford to, after your move, find a nonprofit for a cause dear to your heart and offer to volunteer. You might find an employment opportunity there, or meet people who may alert you to other opportunities. As to whether a 54 year old would be hired, think of all your experience! I changed careers at age 55 and volunteered, then was hired. Now, almost 14 years later, I’m still with the same nonprofit and looking to be here for a few more years – long after I thought I’d retire. I’d miss them too much! Best of luck to you and I pray that you receive wisdom and clarity around your decision.

  10. I have enjoyed following you on IG this past year. Your posts are very intentional and I will look forward to anything you decide to share going forward. Take care of yourself 💜

  11. Wishing you all the best for 2024 !

    Decorating your beautiful home, recipes, painting…
    You’re so talented and I’ve enjoyed your blog for a long time, it’s so welcoming and true, I feel like I know you…
    Happy for you for this “pause” you’re taking, don’t we all need that every once in a while ?
    Take care, Michael,
    Sending you hugs from France

  12. I can’t believe the stress that you influencers must be under all the time. To constantly have to put up new content must be overwhelming at times. Take time to find out who you are and what you want to be in life. I’ll still be here to see whatever post. Maybe this will help all of us take this stress out of our lives so that we don’t feel that our homes have to be as trendy and immaculate as yours. I still love all the recipes you post. Thank you for all you’ve done in the last few years .

  13. Michael, wishing you all the best! Your reduced IG presence has been noticed and missed for sure. I enjoy all of your content, but I know it must be tiring to constantly be “on”. You’re such a lovely person, I hope you stop by to say hi now and again. Keep loving on those kitties!
    Kind regards,

  14. Thank you for sharing and being honest. I hope this year is full of joy and adventure, finding out what sparks the light in you and not what you have to produce for others for metrics. I’ve always enjoyed your posts but not at the expense of you.
    Have fun!!

  15. I love this! I’m a firm believer in whatever it takes to keep you safe, healthy, and most of all happy!! I love your content and I’ve followed you for years and here I will stay! Happy rest and relaxation 🤗

  16. I’m sad I won’t see as much of your postings. You were one of my constants and I so enjoyed your journey. But hey I get it. If I could stop FB and Instagram all together, well, that would be good. I don’t post anything anymore and only share a few things. Good luck with what ever direction you are going in. Always another adventure ahead!

  17. Congrats on making the decision that is best for you! It must be extra hard to do all the Instagram things – it sort of reminds me a bit of trying to keep up with the Jones’s. You have such a fantastic account and your talent is amazing. I just told a friend this evening that my goal is to remember about the Quality of my life and not all the extraneous stuff that truly is unnecessary. Wishing you the best 2024!!