Succulent Propagation

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I have this love / hate relationship with plants. I soon as spring arrives, I want to see as much green as possible. I want to get my hands in the dirt and scatter plants everywhere. However, once that is done and I have to water and care for them, I’m not quite as excited about them. Anyone else with me?

Succulents, however, are one plant I can usually take care of since they require little attention. I’ve been anxious to purchase some new ones this year, but the local stores just haven’t been stocked with them. I’m assuming the temperatures have been too cold for shipping.

If you happen to recall, last year I created some succulent garden bowls. Well, this past winter I neglected them for too long and the largest one didn’t make it. (Scratch the above comment about being able to take care of succulents.)

Succulent Propagation | Inspired by Charm

As you can tell, there are a couple survivors, but all in all, the garden bowl is not looking good. I still love these little gardens, so I’m anxious to get new life back into them.

Succulent Propagation | Inspired by Charm

While most succulents aren’t crazy expensive, if you’re doing a lot of planting, the cost can add up. So today I’m going to show you how you can grow succulents from clippings of other succulents. Although this requires a little more time and work, it’s much less expensive. It’s also so easy. And if you love gardening, it’s fun as well. Let me show you.

Succulent Propagation | Inspired by Charm

First, you’ll need cuttings from succulents. You can just trim pieces from your own succulents, a friend’s (ask first), or you can purchase some. I found these on eBay. They were about a $1 per clipping, shipping included. I also used all the healthy pieces that survived from my succulent garden bowls.

Succulent Propagation | Inspired by Charm

Next, round up some soil and containers. I’m using these fancy starter containers I picked up at the store. However, you can use anything you might have on hand. Just make sure the container has good drainage (i.e., a hole in the bottom). Succulents like to stay dry. You can also plant the clipping directly in the container you want the succulent to grow in. I’ll show you that in a second.

Succulent Propagation | Inspired by Charm

For the soil, I like to purchase a bag of cactus / succulent mix. Again, you want something with great drainage. If you have general potting soil, you can mix in some perlite which will help with drainage.


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Now, you’re ready to start planting. I like to remove as many of the “leaves” as I can from the piece of stem that will be going into the soil. Place each cutting in the soil with a minimum of one inch of the stem under the ground. This is the part where the roots will form.

Succulent Propagation | Inspired by Charm

Once all of your cuttings are planted, do not water for the first week. Just put them in an area with full sun to part shade and let them do their thing. After the first week, water as needed. The plants should start to root within one to two weeks.

That’s it! As your plants begin to grow, you can prune them back or take more cuttings to make even more new plants!

Succulent Propagation | Inspired by Charm

As I mentioned earlier, you can also plant right into a pot. I picked up this cute pot and thought it would be perfect for one of the taller succulents.

Since this pot has no drainage holes, I put plenty of stones in a layer on the bottom to give any excess water a place to sit. After that, I planted the same way as I did the other succulents.

Succulent Propagation | Inspired by Charm
Succulent Propagation | Inspired by Charm

Too cute, right?

Succulent Propagation | Inspired by Charm

Have you ever tried planting succulents this way? If not, give it a try and let me know how it works. I’ll keep you updated on my little collection too. Happy planting!

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  1. how often should you water baby succulents to help keep them growing? Also if I propaganate leaves now (Oct 2015) will the succulents be big enough for a wedding favor (in a 1 1/2 diameter pot in May 2016?

  2. I’ve only ever propagated and grown Jade that way. I have a tortured past with indoor plants but have gotten a lot better over the past 5 years, hopefully they don’t hold it against me! Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

  3. I love succulents!!! I just bought flowering types! And got a few clippings of hens and chicks from my mom!!! I made a raised garden bed just for them!!!

  4. My relationship with flowers is as complicated as yours! That’s why enjoy the plants outside- parks, forrest…because I don’t have to look after them! Tada! 🙂

  5. thanks for the giveaway Michael! I love succulents…especially since they can be um…neglected….and still thrive 🙂 I love this time of year and want to plant ALL the things but like you…after they are planted my interest turns to something else! I never thought about Ebay for getting cuttings!!! Our local stores never seem to have a very good variety of plants to choose from. I am headed to Ebay now! Thanks for the tip!! have a great day <3

  6. This post came at the perfect time! I had a strawberry pot outside with hens and chicks in it. I’ve had it for years! This year’s winter was a tough one….the pot cracked and began to fall apart and I’ve wanted to save my few succulents that survived! Thanks for the info! Love your blog. Loved your photos from San Francisco….what a great city! Happy spring!