Strawberry Planter

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A couple weeks ago while I was on YouTube, I came across this video from Dzung of Honeysuckle Catering. It was a two-part video in which she and a friend shared tips for planting a cute little strawberry planter and then made strawberry ice cream in a plastic baggie. I mean, what’s not to love.

Fast forward to last week at HomeGoods where I found this beautiful shallow cement pot and thought, “I should make one of those strawberry planters!”

Strawberry Planter | Inspired by Charm

I debated whether to post about this since I’m completely stealing the idea. Planting strawberries in a pot is not a revolutionary concept, but when I questioned if it was post-worthy, a friend asked, “Why wouldn’t it be!?!” So here I am today, showing you the fine art of putting plants into soil.

Strawberry Planter | Inspired by Charm

Can you tell that I’m waiting impatiently for the weather to warm up around here? Monday I taught you how to propagate succulents (and offered a $200 Lowe’s gift card to one lucky IBS reader. If you haven’t already entered to win, don’t forget to do so here.). Now I’m back with more planting.

Strawberry Planter | Inspired by Charm

I just thought this was such a fun way to dive into spring. I’m not sure where this bowl will end up, but I think it will be great outdoors on a table or just tucked in with some of my other plantings. Who knows. I also have this crazy notion to host a strawberry-themed mini party. All things strawberry! So maybe the strawberry pot will come in handy then.

Strawberry Planter | Inspired by Charm


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Strawberry Planter | Inspired by Charm

Anyway, check out Dzung’s video for all of the ins and outs of strawberry planting (and the homemade ice cream recipe). The process is pretty simple. In a nutshell: put soil in a bowl, add some strawberry plants, and place the bowil in the sun.

Strawberry Planter | Inspired by Charm

In a few weeks (or however long it takes to grow strawberries), you’re going to need some recipes, right? Well, I’ve got you covered! Check out a few of my favorite IBC strawberry-inspired recipes below:

IBC's Strawberry Recipes | Inspired by Charm

Strawberry Rhubarb Pie
Strawberry Hand Pies
Mini Berry Skillet Cobbler
Spiked Strawberry Lemonade

IBC's Strawberry Recipes | Inspired by Charm

Strawberry Rhubarb Margaritas
Berry Cup Pies
Strawberry Jello Salad
Strawberry Rhubarb Syrup

I hope you enjoyed this totally random post. If you did and want more posts like it, let me know. If you hated it, please kindly tell me that as well. All comments are welcome. Happy Hump Day!

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  1. I love this! I didn’t realize you could plant strawberries in a container. One of my greatest childhood memories is of going to my grandma’s farm and walking in her garden, picking strawberries and eating them right off the vine. Unfortunately I did not inherit her green thumb but I’m definitely going to give this a try.

  2. I love random posts because all of my projects are random. Even if I don’t do this exact project, it still gets my wheels turning. BTW, this is a great idea because if I plant strawberries outside all the birdies and chippies eat them.

  3. I was “inspired” so I definitely like your post 🙂 Maybe it’s a simple idea to put plants in a planter, but I wouldn’t have thought to grow strawberries in a pot (novice gardener over here!). So, now I kinda want to do it too. I have some tomato seedlings growing in a window, and I get excited watching them grow every week; I’m ready for spring/ summer too!