My Current Music Playlist

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Recently, when I’ve shared little moments on Instagram stories, I’ve gotten questions about the music that’s playing in the background. Even though I’ve been putting up playlists on Inspired by Charm for a while now (You can see my Tuesday Tunes collection here.), I thought it might be a good idea to have a place where I could send folks when they ask, “What are you listening to?”

Anyway, that’s the impetus for this post. I also plan to be a bit more intentional when I’m creating my playlists on Spotify.

Speaking of Spotify, it’s my go-to digital music service. (You can follow me on Spotify HERE.) I use it exclusively and pay for the premium service, which includes shuffle play, higher quality audio, no ads, and more. However, this post is not sponsored by them in any way. I just like to tell others about Spotify because I use it daily and am so happy with it.

Even if you use another streaming service, you can still use Spotify for free to listen to my playlists. And of course, you’re welcome to make a note about any tunes you’d like to add to your playlist in your preferred music app.

Inspired by Charm's Music Playlists - My Current Music Playlist #spotify #sonos #playlist #music #songs

Because I get questions about it, I wanted to likewise mention that I use Sonos speakers when listening to music via Spotify. I currently have four of the speakers in my house, and I plan to get a couple more. They are an investment, but I think they’re worth the cost. I love that they play via wireless internet rather than Bluetooth. That way, your music is never interrupted with noise from your phone due to a phone call, message notification, or calendar reminder. You can use the speakers to listen to podcasts and audiobooks – something I do as well.

These are the speakers I have. As I said, they aren’t cheap, but they work great in my situation. You’ll want to do your research to see if they might be a good fit for you and your home.

Inspired by Charm's Music Playlists - My Current Music Playlist #spotify #sonos #playlist #music #songs

Inspired by Charm's Music Playlists - My Current Music Playlist #spotify #sonos #playlist #music #songs

My Current Music Playlist:

I’ve created and shared more than 34 themed playlists through my Tuesday Tunes series, however, this is my first list focused on “What I’m Currently Listening To.” My Tuesday Tunes playlists are often what I’m listening to, but typically, I also have a current music playlist. I’ve just never shared one until now.

I never thought to post my current playlist because it’s always a bit random and kind of clunky. It’s a mashup of many different genres and artists and songs for a variety of purposes.

However, since so many of you seem to be interested in what I’m currently listening to, I thought I’d share.

Inspired by Charm's Music Playlists - My Current Music Playlist #spotify #sonos #playlist #music #songs

How Will This Work?

This is going to be an evergreen post. That means every time I have a new “current music playlist,” I will update this post with the new playlist. Usually, I create a new playlist every season, though that might change depending on my mood and what’s going on in my life. Time will tell.


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Whatever happens, this post will pop up at the top of my blog every time it’s updated. That means if you check the blog regularly, you’ll always be up-to-date. If you check the blog less frequently and want to stay updated, I recommend joining the IBC Mailing List. Every Saturday morning you will receive an email with a recap of any new blog posts from that week. It’s the BEST way to stay in the IBC loop! Join the IBC Mailing list HERE.

In addition to telling you about my latest “Current Music Playlist,” I will highlight several favorite playlists. There are a handful of Tuesday Tunes’ playlists that I listen to over and over again. I will link those below and note when I enjoy listening to them.

I hope all of this makes sense. The purpose of this post is to have a website location that I can share when asked about what I’m listening to.

I’m a huge lover of music, so I’m almost always listening to something. For those of you who prefer silence, this probably seems a crazy distraction, but I’m hoping my fellow music lovers will understand.

Without further ado, here are my playlists.

Current Music Playlist:

Early Spring 2020 (click HERE or listen below)

Other Favorite Playlists:

Want ALL of my playlists? Follow inspiredbycharm on Spotify! Find my profile here.

All That Jazz
Lately, I’ve been listening to this playlist the most. It’s my favorite to play while I’m having my morning coffee and eating breakfast. I also listen to it frequently when I’m cooking or baking.

90s Country
I love old country music. I listen to this a lot when I’m working around the house or painting walls. (I know that may seem weird, but it’s true.) It’s mostly upbeat music so I’ve listened to this when running or when I need an energy boost.

Spring Music / Folk Playlist
I have many folk and singer-songwriter music playlists. Although I enjoy them all, this one is my current fave. It makes a great background track for any activity.

Previous Current Music Playlist(s):

I hope this post is helpful. As I’ve mentioned, music means so much to me. Being able to share things I love with you makes me happy.

Happy Listening!

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  1. Have you listened to Joe Dassin sing Aux Champs Elysees? Up beat and happy tune. Also song City of New Orleans by Willie Nelson. Love your website. Ann