Chicken Feeder Herb Garden

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Let the spring planting begin! After finding some herb garden inspiration, I decided to create one of my own. Do you remember that chicken feeder I used as a centerpiece a few months ago? (Side note: Folks on Pinterest and other social media outlets were mortified that I put a chicken feeder on my table. I understand the concern. Chickens are not the cleanest creatures. But I thoroughly scrubbed and disinfected the feeder before bringing it into my house.) Well, the centerpiece probably lasted a week. The plants died, and it was a pain to move around. Down to the basement it went. Now, the feeder is making a glorious comeback as an herb garden.

Chicken Feeder Herb Garden via Inspired by Charm

I like it much better this way. The feeder holds eight six-inch pots. There are several kinds of herbs, including mint (apple, orange, and chocolate), curry (not sure if / how I’ll use it), basil, rosemary, lemon thyme, and flat leaf parsley.

Inspired By Charm
Inspired By Charm

The feeder fits perfectly on the ledge of my side porch, which is right off the dining room. It’s a super convenient spot for gathering herbs. I can’t tell you how nice it is to have this porch cleaned up and ready for company. Shannon, when should I expect you and John for sangria?


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Orange Mint

I made a few DIY herb markers, too. Yes, these are the same flags I used in my Blackberry Mint Juleps and Pink Lemonade Cupcakes. I just put a piece of washi tape, sticky sides together, on a stir stick and made a v-cut in the end of the tape. I used a gold sharpie to write the name of the herb. Too easy. Too cute.

Inspired By Charm
Inspired By Charm
I don’t know how well the markers will stand up to the elements, but I really only need them to last through the summer. I think I should be good. I’ll keep you posted.
Inspired By Charm
Inspired By Charm

Since there is still a chance for a frost around these parts, I’m not going plant crazy yet. However, I did get a plant for my scale basket. It’s clearly not as voluptuous as my plant from last year. These things take time. 

Tonight I’m heading out with my mom to a local nursery and Lowes and as usual I will probably come back toting lots of plants. I always tell myself not to buy so many flowers. But then, when I’m in the nursery, I’m overcome with this intense urge to buy every flower in sight. I can’t explain it. Please tell me I’m not the only one. 
Inspired By Charm
Have you started your spring planting? What herbs are must-haves in your garden?

Inspired By Charm

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  1. Love your garden a lot! I have been planning about growing herbs in my garden but I’m always busy on these days and I can’t make it even now! I’ll try to make them ASAP! I really love your garden a lot!

  2. Michael – I LOVE this use of the chicken feeder and I love the convenience of being able to step outside your kitchen and gather the herbs you need for cooking! (Herbs are about the only thing I can grow!) Also, FYI, the curry plant is not the curry you use for cooking. I know this because I bought one of those plants a few years ago, too – turns out it just *smells* like curry! Curry powder is actually made up of a combination of different spices such as coriander, turmeric, cumin, fenugreek, and red pepper – though it varies by recipe and culture. So smell your plant, but don’t eat it! 😉

  3. This is such a great idea and fits as if it was made for that very spot on your porch! And, no, Micheal, you are not the only one who has difficulty not buying the nursery out! You are in very good company around the world!!! 🙂

  4. I love the old chicken feeder. I will have to keep my eye open for one so I can steal this idea for you. I know the perfect spot. Right next to my…wait for it…chicken coop! I also get the urge to buy up all the flowers, but I just had a friend that let me come thin out all her perennials. I have a ton of flowers now it only cost me an hour helping her out.

  5. That is so awesome! I love using things in unconventional ways – I would never have noticed that was a chicken feeder, I just would think it was an awesome plant holder! 😉