Beautiful Ironstone Flowering Bulb Planter

Using flowering potted bulbs and vintage ironstone, create a beautiful Ironstone Flowering Bulb Planter to decorate your home for spring.

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Ironstone Flowering Bulb Planter

Don’t you love when beautiful and wonderful ideas form somewhat magically? I had no intention of creating this Ironstone Flowering Bulb Planter project, but then all the pieces serendipitously fell into place. It was meant to be!

Once I saw them sprouting, I was reminded to head back to Lowe’s to pick up some more potted bulbs for another project this year. I didn’t have plans for them but knew I’d figure something out.

As I’m writing and sharing this post, my flowers have not bloomed. However, once they do, I will snap some more photographs and update this post so you can see them in all their glory.

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How To Create Ironstone Flowering Bulb Planter

- ironstone vessel - flowering bulb plants - potting soil - plastic wrap  - sphagnum moss - bark and twigs

Begin by lining your vessel with plastic wrap. To be honest, I’m not sure this step is necessary, but I wanted to protect my ironstone from possible staining from the soil.

Next, add soil to your vessel, and then pot your bulbs. While the bulbs are pretty hardy, avoid breaking the roots.

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