Spiked Caramel Apple Cider Tea


Looking for the ultimate cold-weather cocktail? Meet your new favorite: Spiked Caramel Apple Cider Tea.

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Feels Like a “Hug-in-a-Mug”: With the warmth of the drink and that touch of Jack Daniel’s Winter Jack, this is like getting a cozy blanket-wrapped hug with every sip.

Unique Flavors

The salted caramel tea is a game changer. It gives a depth of flavor that’s rich yet not overwhelming.

How To Make Spiked Caramel Apple Cider Tea

- apple cider - pure vanilla extract - caramel tea bags - Jack Daniel's Winter Jack - cinnamon sticks - apple slices


Step 1

Add the apple cider to a medium saucepan.

Remove from heat and add in the vanilla extract and tea bags.

Step 2

Spiked Caramel Apple Cider Tea

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